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single phase bridge rectifiers

prv if averaged rectified forward current
maximum average rectified current @ half - wave resistive load 60hz
1a 1.5a 2a 4a 4a 6a 8a
100 - - nte166 - - - nte5312
200 - - nte167 nte5309 nte5318 nte5329 nte5313
400 - nte5304 nte168 - - - nte5314
600 nte5332 nte5305 nte169 nte5310 nte5319 nte5330 nte5315
800 - nte5306 - - - - nte5316
1000 nte5334 nte5307 nte170 nte5311 nte5320 nte5331 nte5317
ifsm (amp) 25 50 60 200 200 200 200
vf @ if 1.2v @ 1a 1v @ 1a 1v @ 1a 1v @ 3a 1v @ 3a 1v @ 3a 1.1v @ 4a
ta @ if
+40°c +30°c +55°c +50°c +50°c +50°c +55°c
pkg. type single phase bridge rectifiers single phase bridge rectifiers single phase bridge rectifiers single phase bridge rectifiers single phase bridge rectifiers single phase bridge rectifiers single phase bridge rectifiers

prv if averaged rectified forward current
maximum average rectified current @ half - wave resistive load 60hz
25a 25a 35a 40a 80a 100a
100 - - - - - -
200 nte5322 nte5322w nte5390 nte5340 - -
400 nte5324 nte5324w nte5391 - - -
600 nte5326 nte5326w nte5392 nte5342 nte5346 nte5348
800 nte5327 nte5327w nte5393 - - -
1000 nte5328 nte5328w nte5394 nte5344 - -
ifsm (amp) 400 300 300 300 1500 1500
vf @ if 1.1v @ 12.5a 1.2v @ 12.5a 1.1v @ 17.5a 1.2v @ 20a 1.2v @ 80a 1.2v @ 100a
ta @ if
+55°c +55°c +100°c +55°c +125°c +125°c
pkg. type single phase bridge rectifiers
note 1
single phase bridge rectifiers single phase bridge rectifiers single phase bridge rectifiers
note 1
single phase bridge rectifiers
note 2, note 3
note 1. provided with 4-way terminals (quick-connect, wrap-around, solder, or p.c. board mount).
note 2. screw-terminals.
note 3. can be used with nt441a heat sink.

3-phase bridge rectifiers
prv if maximum averaged rectified forward current
60a 100a
600 nte5335 nte5338
ifsm (amp) 800 1500
vf @ if 1.35v @ 60a 1.2v @ 100a
tj @ if
+125°c +125°c
pkg. type single phase bridge rectifiers
note 4
note 4. all 3-phase bridge rectifiers have screw-mount terminals.

Catalog, Quote, Availability.
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